Dog Sports & Mental Stimulation

Run like somebody left the gate open!
Dogs romping, playing, running free. There is nothing quite as beautiful and exhilarating as watching dogs take off through open fields – their powerful, long strides, muscles glistening as they race each other through the tall grass. Wild dogs uninhibited by leash or fence. Off leash training can help you and your dog achieve this!
Give your Dog the Freedom she deserves
Knowing that your dog will listen to you without a leash opens up so many more opportunities for fun.

Proven, Positive Training Methods.
Fostering Trust and Communication.
Our approach is based on scientifically proven, positive training methods. We want you and your canine companion to enjoy learning, training and socialization. Positive training methods also foster trust and communication between you and your dog, leading to a stronger bond.

It's supposed to be fun!
The perfect challenge for your athletic canine companion, to keep her fit and healthy.
Off-leash Control, Distance Control, Core Strength, Contact Training, Turns, and more.
Duration: 8 weekly sessions (45-60 MIN each)
Price: 6,000 THB

Round and Round we go!
A great job for your urban herding dog, that will alleviate boredom and help prevent destructive behaviors.
Off-leash Control, Distance Control, Sit, Down, Stand, Stay, and more.
Duration: 8 weekly sessions (45-60 MIN each)
Price: 6,000 THB

Dance like nobody is watching!
Challenge yourself and your dog by learning lots of advanced behaviors and incorporating them into a choreographed performance.
Off-leash Control, heelwork, much more than just Sit, Down, and Stay.
Duration: 8 weekly sessions (45-60 MIN each)
Price: 6,000 THB

Let’s get your K9-Detective sniffing!
Turn your dog’s favorite activity into a rewarding game that keeps her mentally challenged, active and fulfilled.
Scent Identification, Indication, and Discrimination. Off-leash Control and Control.
Duration: 8 weekly sessions (45-60 MIN each)
Price: 6,000 THB

Imagination is your only Limit!
This lively course is only limited to your imagination and patience. Tricks are the building blocks for advanced obedience and control.
Off-leash Control, Distance Control, much more than just Sit, Down, and Stay.
Duration: 8 weekly sessions (45-60 MIN each)
Price: 6,000 THB

Be an Original! Be Yourself!
You decide what you want to train with your dog and we will tailor all exercises to your individual needs.
Good Manners, Basic and Advanced Obedience Training, Toilet Training, Trick and Fitness Training.
Duration: 30-45 MIN
Price: From 1,600 THB
How can I achieve Off-Leash Control in Downtown Bangkok?
In order for your dog to be reliable off leash, you need to practice being off leash so that it’s nothing special for your dog. However, in downtown Bangkok there are only very few places where you can safely let your dog run loose to gain that valuable experience.
So, how can you practice for your next trip to the beach? For your dog to learn to respond when off leash, get your dog used to training without the aid of a leash whenever possible. This may seem obvious. But many of us spend a lot of time with the dog on leash practicing sit, stay, down, and come, or practicing off leash, but inside your house or garden with no distractions around.
When you head to the beach and snap off the leash, you dog acts as if he has never had any training. On-leash training can’t prepare either of you for the challenges of the off-leash experience.
All our advanced trainings classes encourage you to train off-leash, so you are not able to (unconsciously) physically cue your dog to do something. Your dog is freely choosing to listen to you – the most important building block to reliable off-leash control. We have also incorporated a lot of little impulse control exercises into our curricula, to help you practice controlling your dog even though she is very excited and distracted.
Dogs must be under control and know basic obedience commands to join our advanced trainings classes.